- All technical characteristics of the SPMWH1228FD5WAR0VJ LED are described in detail below.
- Our technical control department, in turn, guarantees the absence of defects with the product in the technical documentation, etc. If you want to purchase SPMWH1228FD5WAR0VJ – contact our sales department. If you are interested in the price, warranty conditions, and any additional information about the product, please do not hesitate to contact us.
- Full Name: SPMWH1228FD5WAR0VJ LED White 2835 LM281B+Pro 5000K CRI80 Imax=300mA SAL.
- The website blrvtech.com also features other similar products from Samsung LED chips.
- The manufacturer guarantees that the LED SPMWH1228FD5WAR0VJ complies with the requirements of the technical specifications, provided that the consumer complies with the documented rules and conditions of handling, storage, and transport.
- The product may also be known as SPMWH-1228FD5WAR0VJ, SPMWH 1228FD5WAR0VJ, SPMWH1228FD5WAR0VJ, SPMWH-1228FD5WAR0VJ, SPMWH1228FD5WAR0VJ.
- It is prohibited to use this technical description for SPMWH1228FD5WAR0VJ LEDs without the written permission of the copyright holder; reference to this page https://blrvtech.com/product/samusng-lm281b-pro-spmwh1228fd5war0vj/